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Welcome to Practical Astrology
Me: The 1981 edition
A little about me …​
- Astrologer helping clients discover who they are and their special gifts for this time and place
- Member of Organization of Professional Astrologers (OPA) and the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN)
Wife of Eric; mom of Logan and Tatum; fur mom to Willow our Border Collie and cats Smokey and The Bandit
Serial entrepreneur - past businesses include landscaping, healthy vending, and KonMari™ Method Organization Consultant
Journaling evangelist - I write three pages most mornings per The Artists Way method. All that's required is a notebook and a good pen. Some days I write to clear out the old. A few days I get lucky enough to create something new. Other days that seem like trivial diary entries are later spun into astrological research gold.
My hobbies - drawing, music, reading, podcasts, gardening, cooking, redecorating and remodeling our home.
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